Community Recycling Comparison Tool

UPDATED November 19, 2020: Compare your community’s recycling rate for fiscal year 2020 to other ecomaine member communities and see who has what recycling incentives in just a few clicks. HERE’S HOW:

  1. Sort the list by categories at the top of the table with the filter tools at the bottom of the table (default or ‘Clear Filters’ setting show all communities).
  2. Filter your results by municipality, population size, or Recycling Incentives.

This data is updated annually based on municipal collection data collected by ecomaine’s scales or provided by the towns and does not include waste or recyclables handled by private hauling subscriptions. It currently displays Fiscal Year 2020 information. 

See how recycling incentives can make a difference in a town’s recycling rate.

Questions?  Corrections?  Contact us at, or call Jamie Garvin at 207-523-3149.

FY20 Community Comparisons