Campaign Clutter? Tips to Dispose of Yard Signs

No matter who you voted for, let’s all ELECT to do the right thing with those campaign signs! 


Election season brings out a sea of political yard signs—but what happens to them afterward? Many are made of materials like plastic film or corrugated plastic and include metal wire stands. These mixed materials and components can’t be recycled through standard curbside programs and can jam up sorting machines at recycling facilities like ecomaine.  

Here’s how you can repurpose or dispose of those signs responsibly: 

Best Uses for Political Signs 

  1. Reuse: Save signs for future campaigns. Some signs have a basic enough message that they can be used for another race down the road. 
  1. Upcycle: Turn old campaign signs into new special occasion yard signs. Just paint over and decorate to announce birthdays, yard sales, showers, parties, etc. Go one step further with a can of chalkboard spray paint—when you’re done, simply erase and wait to announce the next event! 
  1. Get Crafty: Whether turning an old sign into a whimsical bulletin board or using the sturdy material to create useful boxes and storage containers, there’s practically no limit to how they can be turned into something new.  
  1. Put A Stake in The Ground: Save those metal stakes to use in the spring in your garden. They’re perfect for climbing plants. 

Looking for more inspiration? Check this out.  

If you can’t find a new use that works for you and must get rid of them, put the signs with the rest of your household trash and check at your local transfer station for scrap metal collection bins for the wire stands. 

Election season may be over, but let’s cast a final vote for the environment! 

Written By: Abigail Hart